Thursday 21 July 2011


3:40+ PM 21/7/2011
我打给你。。。 你接了。。聊了几句,你开始问我。。







希望你都明白。。。 :'(

Tuesday 14 June 2011




学会"宽恕"与"习惯"了' 就该把所有该忘的事给忘掉' 任何一丝你的点滴' 我不会再留下' 希望你以后会开心'



我们的爱琴就像这样 :
Made a wrong turn, once or twice.
Dug my way out, blood and fire.
Bad decisions, that's alright.
Welcome to my silly life.
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood.
Miss 'No way, it's all good', it didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated.
Look, I'm still around.

Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect.
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing,
You're fuckin' perfect to me

You're so mean when you talk about yourself; you were wrong.
Change the voices in your head; make them like you instead.
So complicated, look happy, you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred, such a tired game.
It's enough; I've done all I can think of.
Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same.

Woah ohh, pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect.
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing,

[ From: ]

You're fuckin' perfect to me.

The whole world's scared so I swallow the fear.
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer.
So cool in line, and we try try try, but we try too hard and it's a waste of my time.
Done looking for the critics, cause they're everywhere.
They dont like my jeans; they don't get my hair.
Exchange ourselves, and we do it all the time.
Why do we do that? Why do I do that?

Why do I do that?

Yeah, oh, oh baby, pretty baby
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect.
Pretty,pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're fuckin' perfect to me, yeahhh.
You're perfect, you're perfect
Ohh pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothin' you're fuckin' perfect to me.

Never look back, run and reach your goal
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Its hard...

What is love? Do we need love? For some reason, we need... All kid born in this world, all has been love by their own parent and family. Not all enough... Today I am sharing about my story to you all blogger, readers or whatever...

I been live in this family for 14 years (of course I do) for some reason, I can feel by my six senses (lols if you could) that this family will not be perfect any longer... While when I small... I’m soooo cute :3 *perasan* (lol it’s out of topic) I was love by my brother, my cousin of course my parent and teacher also. Month by month, year by year I’m growing into a kiddo lol, a teenagers. After I graduated from my chms school, I’m move to stpri to continue my secondary studies... I started changing bad, ignore my parent word and started to lie them... And I lost my family love since I was 10 years old... my mum start to change into difference mum (urh.. getting more smexy lol) until i found out Rachel and ruby. We this 3 troublemaker at school. Every time we share our story to each other, got one time me and ruby get in trouble at school XD it’s my second time get in HEP and ruby is the first time :O (HAHAHAHA quite stress that time) and in around April month me, ruby and Rachel get in HEP again -. - Me is third time Liao (Waa streesss) ruby second time (so unlucky) Rachel also second. We play mobile phone at school until prefect check Dao. FML!! Hais...

After all this, I meet teddy, he nice :3 both we (me, Rachel and ruby) had in relationship in same month! *weeeeee~* first week it goes well... but who knows after it, we keep quarrel all this week because of my pass. I don't get it, why my pass so sensitive to him? Every time we argue in the end all about Kenny pang la, Kenneth la, Shane la. He so sensitive... I’m the one who surfer all this pain all he do is angry at me. Even I cry so hard, he won’t know it. I never cry in front of someone if I need. Like Rachel say '' You are a strong girl right? You won’t cry in front of us. BE strong, brave and face it.'' All I can do is crying. IM a crying baby... Now these days I stuck at home. I can’t out with him or hangout, even our monthsary I almost can't out. I always make him disappoint. I just know I’m useless whenever I in relationship. I always make him angry, disappoint. He never understood me well... even he gets sick I call him to see a doctor he also doesn’t want. I just want him to be healthy again like pass, i want him to be happy to be strong to be a happy person in my life. What he does is no and no... I ask him why? He answers '' if I see a doctor, doctor will let me stay at hospital '' its great atleast he won’t suffer more pain when he got gastric. He just doesn’t want... He never know because of him I ended up hitting by my parent, ended up lost some of my friend, ended up crying alone in my room. The next day when I wake up, I just pretend nothing is happen...HE never understand what i want andni what i need..

And my mum she starts hating me more and more. All this day I talking to her like talking to the wall, she never reply me single word. Whenever I look in her eye, all I can see is her anger. What did I do wrong? I can’t have a peace day? Wtf. every time I talking to her we ended up fighting... last night, she talks this word to me '' why every time you like making me angry? Why you and your father is the same? Do you want I divorce with your dad and left you alone over here? I can leave this house any minute if you want me to. I’m tired being with you all, I’m tired looking at you, I’m tired seeing you guys argue. I had enough....’’ She really wants to leave this house so much... from that day she and my father never talk...

You guys every time seeing me happy but inside me I’m not. I’m a lonely girl, I’m useless, I’m stupid, and I think I born in this world is a mistake..  And i think god should take my life away HOW I WISH MY LIFE HAD AN UNDO BUTTON :')

Wednesday 8 June 2011

I'm not perfect enough..MonthMay u such a crue month

Many people in stress, heartbroken, sad and lonely in this month. we cant get a happy time only just in one week. everystatus i saw plus my all abt exam, stress and sad. i had learn how to be happy. dont get yr badself to face it cus tat the devil side which its want u to be angry all the time and make u worse and getting bad. one of my friend though me, ' u cant just stand on the end of the line, u must run, find a way to finish the line' i just knw everything i did all the time is wrong. i being rude and no manners . but i will end this fight quickly cus nw is the time being adult,macture and clever. u cant be a kids, baby anymore. we nw upper secondary nt longer kinergarden kid or primary student. nt longer we will graduation and going universiti and work. we need to start frm nw, forget the sad memory and think the happy thing in yr life. tats cus i knw there someone out there love me so much but i still keep hurting him and my best friend. i hurt her wit my own devil word. i just knw shouting and argue is nt the way to end. we need to talk and knw each other more and nt doing the same mistake again. im still lucky cus i got alot of friend, sibling and sistar . frm nw on, forget the past and nw present. think abt our future and dont make it worse rite nw.

im sorry teddy and ruby, being rude all the time. please forgive me being rude cus i was scare to lose u guys. i really love u and care u </3

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Thanks God

well well, i had been joined cheerleading, but i just heard got audition going.. haha.. whole group of my class gave up. now we in the stpri library again. well.. hope i can write more abt it. Bye :D

Tuesday 12 April 2011

unforgetable night :/

9th april 2011, Empire Hotel....

its was gladys 15th belated and shien chung 17th birthday. Most of our friend had been invited tio the party but RACHEL CHAN not going it.. -.- (dulan) :( the party was a disaster.. omg cant believe a gay in it ==" its not fun that my (laogong) rachel not goingh its, i feels bored somehow....

eveyone in the party have a partner only me!!!!!! :( sadlife.. party start on 9:30. we cheer for the birthday girl and boy and have a ABSOLUTED ,CASLBERG and VODKA. for the drink. everyone in the drunk mood except someones. i was a bit regret doing something that shouldnt do at it... itts was like wtf?! what i do that for? seriously i feels happy? sad? blur over man! plus i saw something that i shouldnt seen == EWWWWWWW~ disgusting :) *wink wink* LOL! 

That night was full of funness, happieness and galiness?? HAHAHa i have a great time over there... i was almost kena kiss by ermm... 6? am i a prostitutes(chick in easy way, ayam in malay)??? HEY~ dont you dare touch me...  plus my li0s had been stole :x.. hais sadlife...

NOW in the libary of stpri with rachel hope no one knows what im writing== tata~ BYE

Thursday 31 March 2011

Part 2

Seriously that time i surpose to finish my word but some stpri student keep looking at my back... so i continue today. ^^ haha

that time we surpose find a book to read at libraly, we accidentally saw a " FIRST AIDS" book xD i know its contain biological stuff and human body stuff, rachel go and open but she didint saw some of it. suddenly... we saw a CONDOM PAGE  we laugh so hard until one of my friend come.. then rachel keep saying " aiyer, so big and long the condom XD " i was " LOL" then yong come abd say " wat are u guys watching .... and OMG!!!!  i was like LOL and walk away and they still wacthing the book..

after out from the libraly, we went to find ruby( arina nanibubu) classsss~ we make fun of her then we back to our classsess~



wuuuuuuuuuuuuu yeah~ after school going where? GERAI la of cus walking to there find KEN!!
we play in the rain poke each other PINE!!! ahha u owe me one :)

Wednesday 30 March 2011


Now with rachel chan at stpri de libary online-ing... updating my bown blog!????.... SOHAI just now saw one book, rachel saw condom page.. HAHAHAHAHA one long long one big big again xD wtf?! yong ke ying keep laughing there like orang gila.....

Well these day um kinda down cus of argue with LAU SHIEN CHUNG.. " yao!"... he keep saying me this la that la.  mahai man..
Rachel : ITs my life

BYE NOE> scare kena caught.. ^^

Saturday 26 March 2011



what ups people!!! hahahaha~
i had a sad story about my friend. :(
she just been dumb by a boy name TERRENCE CHONG!!!
fuck that guys pff....
hais.. last nite i talk to her in phone , SHE JUST CRY!!!
Damn i felt sorry to her... hais..
Boys are useless ( some :P)

skip tht

Well my life... suck. im being forcing all over thehouse plus i cant out everytime like LAST YEAR.
pff... i miss last year.. sohai every nite keep dance~ party~ ahhah.. but now. my parent force me do this force me do that.. hias.. everything on me la???? CIBAIIIII.

both my brother dont no how to study so im the one hu force to study, get greet grade. fuck~ im stress over ok? everytime i just hide myself under pillow crying~ crying~ crying~ hais... i hate my life


im new here lol~ well i will try use this tingi...-.-
hahah skip that part lets go intro~~~

my name is SIEWLING.
14 this year.. study at stpri (sekolah tinggi perempuan raja isteri la)
My class.. 9S2...( im streesssss in that class)

hahaha.. tat picture.. me lai de ^^v.

WELL until here la i write :) BYE