Saturday 26 March 2011



what ups people!!! hahahaha~
i had a sad story about my friend. :(
she just been dumb by a boy name TERRENCE CHONG!!!
fuck that guys pff....
hais.. last nite i talk to her in phone , SHE JUST CRY!!!
Damn i felt sorry to her... hais..
Boys are useless ( some :P)

skip tht

Well my life... suck. im being forcing all over thehouse plus i cant out everytime like LAST YEAR.
pff... i miss last year.. sohai every nite keep dance~ party~ ahhah.. but now. my parent force me do this force me do that.. hias.. everything on me la???? CIBAIIIII.

both my brother dont no how to study so im the one hu force to study, get greet grade. fuck~ im stress over ok? everytime i just hide myself under pillow crying~ crying~ crying~ hais... i hate my life

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